Within a lonely heart there dwells a soul of untold dreams
Within a heart of love there dwells a dreamer, so it seems
So what, per chance, resides among the dreams left there to
A heart long since forgotten in the wake of days gone by
And what, pray tell, lives in a heart that never dreams at all?
A bitter, lonely soul it seems that hides behind a wall
And as the wall stands firm and lets no other heart come near
It feels not love and laughter from the ones it should hold dear
In time the wall will crumble giving way to love's pure light
Then once again the heart will dream and fly to greater heights.
Friday, September 16, 2011
once again the heart will dream and fly
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Alone I have my day planned
Alone I try to understand
Alone when I rise
Alone with my cries
Alone in my head
Alone wishing I was dead
Alone with my pain
Alone in the rain
Alone with my joys
Alone with no noise
Alone in my sadness
Alone in my madness
Alone with my laugh
Alone with my stuff
Alone with a frown
Alone I sit down
Alone in hurt
Alone in dirt
Alone with my fears
Alone with my tears
Alone in good health
Alone with wealth
Alone with a frown
Alone with no sound
Alone I wander
Alone I ponder
Alone with my wishes
Alone with my dishes
Alone to discover
Alone under the mattress cover
Alone in the night
Alone when we fight
Alone with dreams you ignite
Alone waiting for things to be alright
Alone in my prayers
Alone because no one cares
Alone without you
Alone with no one to look up to
Alone in my hell
Alone I dwell
Alone without a smile
This poem I compile
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Whoz in my head to tell me this in my dreamz?!!
You are a part of all that surrounds you.
Celebrate your connection to life as you step into the future.
Your abilities can take you to the top,
but it is your character that will keep you there.
Build your character well for it is the foundation of your being.
The adversities you will face will not build your character
- they will reveal it.
Unlock your potential.
Every moment has a hidden gift.
Discover. Dream.
You will create your tomorrows by what you dream today.
Dreams are the touchstones of your character.
Imagine the unimaginable.
This is your time. This is your life.
Seize the moment. Delight in your youth.
Life is your canvas and no one can paint it but you.
Inside you is the key to everything you can imagine and more.
Learn from yesterday, live for today.
You are the hope for tomorrow.